Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day 2013

On this celebration of our Nation's beautiful independence, I would like to declare that I am almost ready to give up the complete independence of single-hood. Because whoever You are, I want to find You. Soon, if possible.

I'll be waiting with a van akin to this one. But really, what better way to travel from sea to shining sea.

The last night in Peru, I couldn't sleep because I didn't want to leave. I had found a peace in the rustic lodge outside of Puerto Maldonado, and it sent me into a state of pure happiness. So amidst the hum of the cicadas in the jungle, I listened to my iPod trying not to mourn what I would say goodbye to in the morning. And luckily I found what I needed to send me home content:

A few lines in his song.

"So are you gonna stay in the place where you started or do you wanna hold my hand in the middle of America?"

I guess this is turning into a letter to the inevitable You. So, the answer will always be yes. Let's see this gorgeous country we call home together. Because I am so proud and grateful and ultimately awed that I get to call myself an American.