Tuesday, April 15, 2014

At 24

They keep promoting me at work (sort of), and I think it's having the opposite affect of what they want. It's making me resent the metaphorical Man beyond my wildest Marxist dreams. It's opening my eyes up to the pointlessness of business and management and money. I only half hope this is a phase.

I haven't been on a date since 2012…did I just admit that on the internet?

I'm fairly certain that 95% of the population, especially my peers, will never understand my pop culture references. I'd be so much funnier if people watched the same shows as me.

I want to learn to cook without using recipes. And stop eating desserts and Pop-Tarts for dinner so often.

I like to scope out apartments in San Francisco and Portland on Craigslist.

Initially skeptical, I've come to really enjoy Korean dramas.

Church basketball has fostered my self-assurance more than anything else these past few months--and I'm no baller.

My parents are becoming more like my friends than my parents. It's been a good thing.

For the past few weeks, I've had more interest in going back to school. I'm considering mediation, psychology, or community education again.

I'm hunting for a signature leather jacket, preferably with a hood.

My best friend and I watched this movie twice in a row. Barefoot is adorable, has a semi-feral child, and is a must-see.

Most days, I still feel 17.

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