Monday, March 24, 2014

"You can't judge a book by it's cover." "No, but you can tell how much it's gonna cost."

On Sunday, I gave my first talk in the singles ward, and I think it's hilarious how much it expanded people's opinions of me.

It wasn't my best talk ever. I thought it was rather ordinary, could have used more spunk and storytelling.

But right after sacrament meeting, the bishop's wife came up to me and said something to the effect of, "That was great! You know you dress so fashionably, and I didn't know, but then you opened your mouth and these words came out. And you're the total package. You really are."

It was one of the strangest compliments I've ever gotten because growing up I was always known as the smart one. I don't think I've ever been seen the other way around--I didn't think people would be surprised that I'm intelligent.

Then tonight at FHE, one guy in my ward came up and said that he'd always thought I was very reserved, until he heard me speak. I get the reserved and shy part, especially because I haven't really made friends beyond my roommates and neighbors in this ward, but I don't understand why speaking in church had enough of an effect that he said something about it to me. I love people.

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