Sunday, November 11, 2012

New Job Theme Song

Tomorrow is my first day of work. Guess it's time to grow up, which means getting out of bed before noon.

Wish me luck!

Oh, and I will probably sing this in my head all day for encouragement.

I used to close my eyes to what stirred under my bed
Now they're open wide to the monsters in my head
Instead of claws they whisper lies, sinking fear in quiet steps
So I will fight in the light 'til I give my final breath 

P.S. Their cover of "Mr. Brightside" is gorgeous.


  1. everything good comes from korea. (the band)

  2. and you will do fantastically tomorrow

  3. Aren't they incredible!

    And thank you, I appreciate all your encouragement. It went pretty well, if I say so myself.
