I've had Celebrity Crushes on my friends and acquaintances. I don't want them to make a move or start liking me because I don't actually like them. I just find their aura charming and fun. Adorable is the word that comes up most frequently. I get all I want out of them just by knowing that they exist.
I've had one enduring Classic School-Girl Crush on a celebrity.
Shaun White.
Crushes are often unexplainable. They sort of just spring on you, and only then can you analyze all the little things that create the magic. This is definitely the case for Shaun White.
If we'd been in high school together, he is the guy that I would have spotted in the hall for no particular reason, and then kept seeing everywhere because I couldn't help myself, even though he's not really what I'd say is my type. I'd find him charming in class and probably exaggerate his intelligence after one insightful comment in English Lit. I'd stay up late and feverishly peruse all my yearbooks for pictures of him, and swear that I saw his appeal even in seventh grade.
When I first learned about Shaun White's existence, it was probably on a Celebrity Crush level, but the fact that I didn't grow out of it at 18 is further indication that it's actually a Classic School-Girl Crush.
I have this deep sense that we would get each other. I think our humor would compliment each others'. And honestly, I don't feel like the snowboarding and skateboarding is a big influence on my crush anymore. It's obviously a plus, but if he was the kind of guy who kept boarding after high school, that would more than fulfill my dreams.
I feel very loyal to Shaun White, which is very key in any of my friendships and a sure sign of any of my full-blown School-Girl Crushes. I support him no matter what. I'm always cheering for you Mr. White! That doesn't mean I condone everything--we definitely need something to argue about--because I haven't quite let go of the Breakfast Club daydream where we come together and truly fall in love after being unreasonably detained, probably on a plane.
To further illustrate my seriousness, I had made a promise to never write anything about Shaun White on the internet, just in case we meet one day. It'd be much easier to convince him I'm not a fangirl if this post had never been written, but oh well. I'll remember this when I'm finally ready for closure. I'm sure my embarrassment [if it ever comes, but it probably won't because I didn't gush] will one day help to incinerate any last shreds of hope.
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