Wednesday, April 3, 2013

At 22

I should hate that I always have dirt under my fingernails, even when I've spent the day reading or just hanging around indoors, but I love it. It makes me feel adventurous.

I have zero interest in owning a smartphone.

I have this insaitable need to own all my favorite books. I am close to finishing up my collection (for now). After psychoanalyzing myself, I feel this stems from a basic instinct to be remembered and to leave some kind of mark on the world because no one really knows all of me, and right now it's not looking like I will be adding my genes to the pool anytime soon. Somehow I feel that the sum of the pages could let people know who I am.

More than anything, I want to play the role of the girl-next-door in a teen drama, preferably set in a quaint coastal town.

For some unfathomable reason, I am still not sick of Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" and never change the station when it plays.

I can't help but watch The Breakfast Club every time it's on TV.

One day I would like to receive an old fashioned love letter in my mailbox.

I think I'd like to be involved in politics, but don't know that I like any of the career steps that would take me there.

When it comes to people flying, I think it's possible that it's possible.

Today while watching home movies, my dad said that I hadn't changed much. We were watching a scene of us at the park. I was ten and hanging upside down on the playground. He meant that I hadn't really aged physically, which was a nice exaggeration, but I think it's more true of my personality. Luckily I am more camera shy and have straighter teeth, but I can still play. I love that I can let myself be naive and just have fun.

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