Sunday, September 7, 2014

Today's Obsession: Songs with Bus References

Growing up, I didn't ride the school bus to elementary school. That could be why I find buses idyllic modes of transportation. They are third on my list of most romantic public transit options, just below planes and taxis. It really is strange how much songs with buses in the storyline affect me. The imagery is heightened to the extreme.

When I got Sounds of the Sixties for Christmas as a preteen, "Bus Stop" by The Hollies quickly became one of my all time favorite songs.

Someday my name and hers are going to be the same.

It's so tender and sweet, with a hint of something menacing underneath. I still like it.

The next song added to my repertoire doesn't exactly reference a bus, but I sang the song to myself while riding the buses on a family vacation to San Francisco because I like the line about the early morning subway train. This is the Hallmark Movie of the group: over-the-top, but I can't help but love and genuinely enjoy it.

Last month while I was visiting San Francisco again, I kept trying to figure out why I like this theme so much. I still really don't know. It might have to do with the idea of love at first sight. For no reason at all, I'm beginning to believe in it more.

The moment we forgot we were just good friends,
I moved my arm, her face went red again.
One more bus home, another silent weekend.

Baby, remember on the bus when my hand was on your knee
When you love somebody and bite your tongue all you get is a mouth full of blood.

I also recommend looking up the Live on KEXP version of this song. The folk adds a whole new depth.